The Instrument Cluster Repair Specialist, Cluster Repairs UK

Email : [email protected]

Phone : 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

Viewing 4 models for Lamborghini Gallardo

  • Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph dials.

    Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph dials. 200 Mph/340 Kmh, 10,000rpm rev counter. This dial will convert an imported vehicle from Kmh to Mph to meet the necessary legal requirements for the UK.

    Part no: C133

    Price: £142.97

    CALL TO ENQUIRE/ORDER: 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

    Before ordering please read these important "Dial Ordering Options"

  • Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph instrument cluster dials.

    Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph dials. 210 Mph,10000 rpm rev counter. This dial will convert an imported vehicle from Kmh to Mph to meet the necessary legal requirements for the UK.

    Part no: C832

    Price: £179.95

    CALL TO ENQUIRE/ORDER: 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

    Before ordering please read these important "Dial Ordering Options"

  • Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph instrument cluster dials.

    Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph dials 210 Mph/330 Kmh, 10000rpm rev counter. This dial will convert an imported vehicle from Kmh to Mph to meet the necessary legal requirements for the UK.

    Part no: C1026

    Price: £142.97

    CALL TO ENQUIRE/ORDER: 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

    Before ordering please read these important "Dial Ordering Options"

  • Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph instrument cluster dials.

    Lamborghini Gallardo petrol Mph dials 210 Mph, 10000rpm rev counter. This dial will convert an imported vehicle from Kmh to Mph to meet the necessary legal requirements for the UK

    Part no: 8231

    Price: £179.95

    CALL TO ENQUIRE/ORDER: 0208 525 4069  |  01992 807 908

    Before ordering please read these important "Dial Ordering Options"